With the API, you can retrieve and manage a brand's customer records. This section describes popular use cases.

For a full overview of CRM functionality please visit the API Reference

List customers

To list customer records, send a GET request to the /customers/ endpoint.

You can include various query parameters to filter the records you receive in the response.

For example, to list only customers from a specific tier, you can add the tier query parameter to your request with the id of the tier. The following request returns only customer records that are assigned to tier 1.

GET /api/v2/customers/?tier=1
Authorization: App 54901b614b81d25084edc7b1f2016571b96778910d7b8b0befgf8decd418d6ab
Content-Type: application/json

Visit the /customers/ endpoint reference for a full list of supported parameters.

Retrieve a customer

To retrieve an individual customer record, send a GET request to /customers/{id}/, where {id} is the id for the customer you wish to retrieve

The following request returns the customer with id 3242.

GET /api/v2/customers/3242/
Authorization: App 54901b614b81d25084edc7b1f2016571b96778910d7b8b0befgf8decd418d6ab
Content-Type: application/json

Create a customer

Customer records are created automatically when a company interacts with your brand on the LeafLink in new window However, you can also create customer records manually.

To create a customer, send a POST request to the /customers/ endpoint with the customer's details in the body of request.

For the full set of field descriptions, please visit the Create a customer reference

Update a customer

To update an existing customer, send a PATCH request to /customers/{id}/, where {id} is the id for the customer you wish to update, with the fields you wish to update in the body of request.

For the full set of available fields and their definitions, please visit the Update a customer reference

The following request updates the zipcode for a customer record with id 369484.

PATCH /api/v2/customers/369484/
Authorization: Token MY_API_KEY
Content-Type: application/json

 "zipcode": "80022"
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